...There's only one great Ife, in the universe
              Another great Ife, is a conterfeit
              Great!  Great!  Great!  Great!  Great!!!

As seen on facebook, here is the list of the most popular slangs used on OAU campus.

1. Ogba femi(femi's compound)---Oau campus

2. Dobale--(prostrate- a tradition that performing artiste must fulfill before performing

3. Risky burger---fried egg and bread

4. Academics---lecture areas

5. Scabbash--- to pray in tongues

6. Prayo/spirikoko--- a religious person

7. Anglomoz--- love den between two freshmen hostels

8. Blocking--- The sight of a boy and girl together

9. Risky burger......a bread and egg meal

10. Aiye o po(inadequate space).....time is necessary

11. Aro.... An annoying tease

12. School 2...a particular area on campus

13. Aluta continua,Victoria asserts...end note of all announcement

14. No toasting--- a strong disagreement

15. Omo Awo--- guys who tease for fun

16. Faa aluta--- to protest

17. Tan gboro--- commuter bus

18. Iwe--- an intelligent person

19. Broda sister wa o(and vice versa)--- welcoming address for a male in a female hostel

20. Baba na u o--- sarcastic/ ironic appraisal

21. Mr Moz--- frequent male visitor in female hostels

22. Moz101--- act of wooing fresh female students

23. Maa goo--- be smart

24. Won get mi--- to fail a course

25. Pam--- score

26. Igi iwe, eso odo--- one who reads excessively but fails always

27. Cest pon kaye--- nobody's business

28. Jacking--- act of reading

29. Jacko/iwe-stramol/jacko-mycine--- one who reads a lot

30. Department of big big books--- health sciences

31. Oau choristers--- law students

32. FFO/Aj--- glutton

33. Fresher---new student

34. Town--- areas outside campus

35. Maximum shishi--- punishment for offenders

36. Floor O--- school's detention room

37. Porter--- security men

38. Jo o--- an excuse or a sarcastic plea

39. Wooo Wooo--- go straight to the point

40. Department of EFCC--- faculty of science. Named after the grades the give most: E F and C

41. White house--- faculty of science

42. Yellow house--- department of mathematics

43. Omo mi(my child)-- an acquaintance

44. Ota lenu(peppery)-- something accepted

45. Shi(open)-- to fail/ to ignore

46. Quarters--- Staff areas

47. Omi Faborode--- tap water

48. Road 1--- main entrance to campus

49. Boss/egbon---a sophisticated person

50. Spagewa--- a meal of spaghetti and beans

51. Concursion/ conkoki--- a hurriedly prepared meal or food lacking necessary ingredient

52. No animal/ without/ no protein--- meal without fish or meat

53. Alaaro--one who does aro

54. Singist---a singer

55. Humbility---extreme humility

56. Docki---med student

57. Orijo---material for cheating

58. Baskeh bo kot--- basket ball court used for scabbashing

59. Omo ibo--- non Yoruba

60. Hall--- student hostels

61. Death center---school clinic

62. Maintenance---female student off campus hostel

63. Kooro--- hidden places

64. Carpenter is a around--- popular carpenter

65. Gp de shake---low Gp

66. Gp make sense---high Gp

67. Moremi 100,200,300 level--- floors in moremi hall

68. Ekaro se ma foosho(good morning,wash your clothes)---dry cleaners

69. E-problem--schools eportal

70. Omisore oke,eeyan wa n s(omisore upstairs.some one is downstairs)--usually said in Awo blocks to warn someone of pouring down water from tops.

71. Ajose parole---night time out

72. Sport's popcorn--- buttered popcorn

73. Rishas car---airtime recharge card

74. Indospag---meal of spaghetti and indomie

75. Alhaja/Hajia---female Muslim

76. Alfa---male Muslim

77. Oga---male fellowship executive

78. Mummy---female fellowship executive

79. Esko/Exco--- executive

80. Parade---take an offender round the school

81. Ko Funny---boring performance or hardship

82. Amarachi---any wayward female

83. As e de hot---intense circumstance

84. La cram la pour,la pass la graduate--- slang used after a frustrated effort of trying to understand a course
85. Efficiency--- someone who is too unnecessarily involved in something

86. Corner--- one's portion of hostel room

87. Ise to ta(peppery work)--- job well done

88. Omo wa ni(our child)---popular person

89. Iwe factorial--- brilliant student

90. Kawe yo/kawe ju(over read)- hypes for an unserious person

91. Omo la toro iwe labi(we begged for a child,but begot a book)---brilliant person

92. Ose igberaga(period of pride)---- resumption

93. Ife gbeyin(end of ife)--- exam period/ when provisions are finished

94. PDP,power,APC,change----a cheer for attention

95.  Ogun malaria(malaria drugs)--- any drug at all,given by health center pharmacists

96. Laana---- to fail a course

97. Won get mi(I have been caught)--- to fail a course/ get a grade least expected

98. Won fun mi ni 40E(I was given 40E)---- to score 40E

99. F and F---a popular restaurant in school called forks and fingers

100. Mi ole wa ku ,Alaye longba bsc(i cant kill myself,only the living attains Bsc)--- used after a frustrated effort in understanding a course/ after several hours of reading

Culled from facebook
Compiled by lhezyzabeta


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